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MySQL 8.4 參考手冊  /  ...  /  NDB 叢集的建議起始組態 NDB 叢集的建議起始組態

從 NDB 叢集獲得最佳效能取決於許多因素,包括以下幾點

  • NDB 叢集軟體版本

  • 資料節點和 SQL 節點的數量

  • 硬體

  • 作業系統

  • 要儲存的資料量

  • 叢集運作時所承受的負載大小和類型

因此,獲得最佳組態可能是一個迭代的過程,其結果可能會隨著每個 NDB 叢集部署的具體情況而差異很大。當叢集執行的平台或使用 NDB 叢集資料的應用程式發生變更時,也可能會出現組態變更的指示。由於這些原因,無法提供適用於所有使用情境的單一理想組態。然而,在本節中,我們提供建議的基本組態。

起始 config.ini 檔案。 以下 config.ini 檔案是設定執行 NDB 叢集 8.4 的叢集的建議起點


[tcp default]

# Increasing the sizes of these 2 buffers beyond the default values
# helps prevent bottlenecks due to slow disk I/O.


[ndb_mgmd default]

# It is possible to use a different data directory for each management
# server, but for ease of administration it is preferable to be
# consistent.

# NodeId=management-server-A-nodeid

# NodeId=management-server-B-nodeid

# Using 2 management servers helps guarantee that there is always an
# arbitrator in the event of network partitioning, and so is
# recommended for high availability. Each management server must be
# identified by a HostName. You may for the sake of convenience specify
# a NodeId for any management server, although one is allocated
# for it automatically; if you do so, it must be in the range 1-255
# inclusive and must be unique among all IDs specified for cluster
# nodes.


[ndbd default]

# Using two fragment replicas is recommended to guarantee availability of data;
# using only one fragment replica does not provide any redundancy, which means
# that the failure of a single data node causes the entire cluster to shut down. 
# It is also possible (but not required) to use more than two fragment replicas, 
# although two fragment replicas are sufficient to provide high availability. 


# On Linux and Solaris systems, setting this parameter locks data node
# processes into memory. Doing so prevents them from swapping to disk,
# which can severely degrade cluster performance.


# The value provided for DataMemory assumes 4 GB RAM
# per data node. However, for best results, you should first calculate
# the memory that would be used based on the data you actually plan to
# store (you may find the ndb_size.pl utility helpful in estimating
# this), then allow an extra 20% over the calculated values. Naturally,
# you should ensure that each data node host has at least as much
# physical memory as the sum of these two values.

# ODirect=1

# Enabling this parameter causes NDBCLUSTER to try using O_DIRECT
# writes for local checkpoints and redo logs; this can reduce load on
# CPUs. We recommend doing so when using NDB Cluster on systems running
# Linux kernel 2.6 or later.


# Setting these parameters allows you to take advantage of real-time scheduling
# of NDB threads to achieve increased throughput when using ndbd. They
# are not needed when using ndbmtd; in particular, you should not set
# RealTimeScheduler for ndbmtd data nodes.


# CompressedLCP=1
# CompressedBackup=1
# Enabling CompressedLCP and CompressedBackup causes, respectively, local
checkpoint files and backup files to be compressed, which can result in a space
savings of up to 50% over noncompressed LCPs and backups.

# MaxNoOfLocalScans=64

# NodeId=data-node-A-nodeid

# On systems with multiple CPUs, these parameters can be used to lock NDBCLUSTER
# threads to specific CPUs

# NodeId=data-node-B-nodeid


# You must have an [ndbd] section for every data node in the cluster;
# each of these sections must include a HostName. Each section may
# optionally include a NodeId for convenience, but in most cases, it is
# sufficient to allow the cluster to allocate node IDs dynamically. If
# you do specify the node ID for a data node, it must be in the range 1
# to 144 inclusive and must be unique among all IDs specified for
# cluster nodes.


# HostName=sql-node-A-hostname
# NodeId=sql-node-A-nodeid



# Each API or SQL node that connects to the cluster requires a [mysqld]
# or [api] section of its own. Each such section defines a connection
# “slot”; you should have at least as many of these sections in the
# config.ini file as the total number of API nodes and SQL nodes that
# you wish to have connected to the cluster at any given time. There is
# no performance or other penalty for having extra slots available in
# case you find later that you want or need more API or SQL nodes to
# connect to the cluster at the same time.
# If no HostName is specified for a given [mysqld] or [api] section,
# then any API or SQL node may use that slot to connect to the
# cluster. You may wish to use an explicit HostName for one connection slot
# to guarantee that an API or SQL node from that host can always
# connect to the cluster. If you wish to prevent API or SQL nodes from
# connecting from other than a desired host or hosts, then use a
# HostName for every [mysqld] or [api] section in the config.ini file.
# You can if you wish define a node ID (NodeId parameter) for any API or
# SQL node, but this is not necessary; if you do so, it must be in the
# range 1 to 255 inclusive and must be unique among all IDs specified
# for cluster nodes.

SQL 節點所需的 my.cnf 選項。 作為 NDB 叢集 SQL 節點的 MySQL 伺服器必須始終使用 --ndbcluster--ndb-connectstring 選項啟動,無論是在命令列還是在 my.cnf 中。