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為了擷取資料庫中現有集合的集合物件,請從綱要物件呼叫 getCollection()
如果集合在資料庫中尚不存在,後續任何呼叫集合物件函數都會擲回錯誤;對於某些連接器,您可以透過將 validateExistence
欄位設定為 true 並將其作為第二個參數傳遞給 db.getCollection()
MySQL Shell JavaScript 程式碼
// Get a collection object for 'my_collection'
var myColl = db.getCollection('my_collection');
MySQL Shell Python 程式碼
# Get a collection object for 'my_collection'
myColl = db.get_collection('my_collection')
Node.js JavaScript 程式碼
// Get a collection object for 'my_collection'
var collection = db.getCollection('my_collection');
C# 程式碼
// Get a collection object for "my_collection"
var myColl = db.GetCollection("my_collection");
// Get a collection object but also ensure it exists in the database
var myColl2 = db.GetCollection("my_collection", ValidateExistence: true);
Python 程式碼
# Get a collection object for 'my_collection'
my_coll = my_schema.get_collection('my_collection')
# Get a collection object but also ensure it exists in the database
my_coll = my_schema.get_collection('my_collection', True)
Java 程式碼
// Get a collection object for 'my_collection'
Collection myColl = db.getCollection("my_collection");
// Get a collection object but also ensure it exists in the database
// Second parameter is: boolean requireExists
Collection myColl = db.getCollection("my_collection", true);
C++ 程式碼
// Get a collection object for 'my_collection'
Collection myColl = db.getCollection("my_collection");
// Get a collection object but also ensure it exists in the database
Collection myColl = db.getCollection("my_collection", true);
與設定為 true 的 ReuseExistingObject
欄位一起使用,可用於建立新的集合或重複使用具有給定名稱的現有集合。請參閱第 4.2.1 節「建立集合」以取得詳細資訊。