最佳做法是將值與運算式字串分開,而不是直接在運算式字串中使用值。這可以使用運算式字串中的參數,並使用 bind()
參數類型 |
語法 |
範例 |
允許在 CRUD 操作中使用 |
允許在 SQL 字串中使用 |
匿名 |
? |
'age > ?' |
否 |
是 |
具名 |
: |
'age > :age' |
是 |
否 |
以下範例說明如何在 execute()
函式之前使用 bind()
函式。對於每個具名參數,請向 bind()
提供一個引數,其中包含參數名稱及其值。參數值配對傳遞至 bind()
的順序並不重要。此範例假設 test
綱要已指派給變數 db
,且集合 my_collection
MySQL Shell 和 Node.js JavaScript 程式碼
// Collection.find() function with fixed values
var myColl = db.getCollection('my_collection');
var myRes1 = myColl.find('age = 18').execute();
// Using the .bind() function to bind parameters
var myRes2 = myColl.find('name = :param1 AND age = :param2').bind('param1','Rohit').bind('param2', 18).execute();
// Using named parameters
myColl.modify('name = :param').set('age', 55).
bind('param', 'Nadya').execute();
// Binding works for all CRUD statements except add()
var myRes3 = myColl.find('name like :param').
bind('param', 'R%').execute();
使用 Connector/Node.js 執行此程式碼時,請注意 execute()
會傳回 Promise。您可能想要檢查結果,以避免遺失錯誤。
MySQL Shell Python 程式碼
# Collection.find() function with hardcoded values
myColl = db.get_collection('my_collection')
myRes1 = myColl.find('age = 18').execute()
# Using the .bind() function to bind parameters
myRes2 = myColl.find('name = :param1 AND age = :param2').bind('param1','Rohit').bind('param2', 18).execute()
# Using named parameters
myColl.modify('name = :param').set('age', 55).bind('param', 'Nadya').execute()
# Binding works for all CRUD statements except add()
myRes3 = myColl.find('name like :param').bind('param', 'R%').execute()
C# 程式碼
// Collection.Find() function with fixed values
var myColl = db.GetCollection("my_collection");
var myRes1 = myColl.Find("age = 18").Execute();
// Using the .Bind() function to bind parameters
var myRes2 = myColl.Find("name = :param1 AND age = :param2").Bind("param1", "Rohit").Bind("param2", 18).Execute();
// Using named parameters
myColl.Modify("name = :param").Set("age", 55)
.Bind("param", "Nadya").Execute();
// Binding works for all CRUD statements except Add()
var myRes3 = myColl.Find("name like :param")
.Bind("param", "R%").Execute();
Python 程式碼
# Collection.find() function with hardcoded values
my_coll = my_schema.get_collection('my_collection')
my_res_1 = my_coll.find('age = 18').execute()
# Using the .bind() function to bind parameters
my_res_2 = my_coll.find('name = :param1 AND age = :param2').bind('param1', 'Rohit').bind('param2', 18).execute()
# Using named parameters
my_coll.modify('name = :param').set('age', 55).bind('param', 'Nadya').execute()
# Binding works for all CRUD statements except add()
my_res_3 = my_coll.find('name like :param').bind('param', 'R%').execute()
Java 程式碼
// Collection.find() function with fixed values
Collection myColl = db.getCollection("my_collection");
DocResult myRes1 = myColl.find("age = 18").execute();
// Using the .bind() function to bind parameters
DocResult myRes2 = myColl.find("name = :param1 AND age = :param2").bind("param1", "Rohit").bind("param2", 18).execute();
// Using named parameters
myColl.modify("name = :param").set("age", 55)
.bind("param", "Nadya").execute();
// Using named parameters with a Map
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("name", "Nadya");
myColl.modify("name = :name").set(".age", 55).bind(params).execute();
// Binding works for all CRUD statements except add()
DocResult myRes3 = myColl.find("name like :param")
.bind("param", "R%").execute(); }
C++ 程式碼
/// Collection.find() function with fixed values
Collection myColl = db.getCollection("my_collection");
auto myRes1 = myColl.find("age = 18").execute();
// Using the .bind() function to bind parameters
auto myRes2 = myColl.find("name = :param1 AND age = :param2")
.bind("param1","Rohit").bind("param2", 18)
// Using named parameters
myColl.modify("name = :param").set("age", 55)
.bind("param", "Nadya").execute();
// Binding works for all CRUD statements except add()
auto myRes3 = myColl.find("name like :param")
.bind("param", "R%").execute();
X DevAPI 中不支援匿名預留位置。此限制可提高使用預留位置的多個方法的 CRUD 命令鏈的程式碼清晰度。無論使用哪種 bind()
CRUD 命令鏈的所有方法都會形成一個預留位置的命名空間。在以下範例中,modify()
和 set()
(或 find()
和 Fields()
)會鏈結在一起。這兩種方法都會採用具有預留位置的運算式。預留位置會參考一個組合的命名空間。兩者都使用一個名為 :param
的預留位置。使用 :param
的一個名稱值參數對 bind()
進行單次呼叫,以將預留位置值指派給鏈結方法中 :param
MySQL Shell JavaScript 程式碼
// one bind() per parameter
var myColl = db.getCollection('relatives');
var juniors = myColl.find('alias = "jr"').execute().fetchAll();
for (var index in juniors){
myColl.modify('name = :param').
bind('param', juniors[index].name).execute();
MySQL Shell Python 程式碼
# one bind() per parameter
myColl = db.get_collection('relatives')
juniors = myColl.find('alias = "jr"').execute().fetch_all()
for junior in juniors:
myColl.modify('name = :param'). \
set('parent_name',mysqlx.expr(':param')). \
bind('param', junior.name).execute()
Node.js JavaScript 程式碼
// one bind() per parameter
.find('alias = "jr"')
.execute(function (junior) {
return myColl
.modify('name = :param')
.set('parent_name', mysqlx.expr(':param'))
.bind('param', junior.name)
C# 程式碼
// one bind() per parameter
myColl.Find("a = :param").Fields(":param as b")
.Bind(new { param = "c"}).Execute();
Python 程式碼
# one bind() per parameter
my_coll = my_schema.get_collection('relatives')
juniors = my_coll.find('alias = "jr"').execute().fetch_all()
for junior in juniors:
my_coll.modify('name = :param') \
.set('parent_name', mysqlx.expr(':param')) \
.bind('param', junior.name).execute()
Java 程式碼
# one bind() per parameter
Collection myColl = db.getCollection("relatives");
DocResult juniors = myColl.find("alias = 'Jr.'").execute();
while (juniors.hasNext()){
myColl.modify("name = :param")
.set("parent_name", Expression.expr(":param"))
.bind("param", juniors.next().get("name"))
C++ 程式碼
// one bind() per parameter
Collection myColl = db.getCollection("relatives");
DocResult juniors = myColl.find("alias = 'jr'").execute();
DbDoc junior;
while ((junior = juniors.fetchOne()))
myColl.modify("name = :param")
.set("parent_name", expr(":param"))
.bind("param", junior["name"]).execute();
具名參數不得使用以數字開頭的名稱。例如,不允許使用 :1one
和 :1
除了使用 bind()
和 execute()
或 execute()
直接繫結並執行 CRUD 操作,也可以將 CRUD 操作物件儲存在變數中以供稍後執行。
這樣做的好處是能夠將多組變數繫結至運算式字串中定義的參數,因此在執行大量類似操作時獲得更好的效能。此範例假設 test
綱要已指派給變數 db
,且集合 my_collection
MySQL Shell JavaScript 程式碼
var myColl = db.getCollection('my_collection');
// Only prepare a Collection.remove() operation, but do not run it yet
var myRemove = myColl.remove('name = :param1 AND age = :param2');
// Binding parameters to the prepared function and .execute()
myRemove.bind('param1', 'Leon').bind('param2', 39).execute();
myRemove.bind('param1', 'Johannes').bind('param2', 28).execute();
// Binding works for all CRUD statements but add()
var myFind = myColl.find('name like :param1 AND age > :param2');
var myDocs = myFind.bind('param1', 'L%').bind('param2', 20).execute();
var MyOtherDocs = myFind.bind('param1', 'J%').bind('param2', 25).execute();
MySQL Shell Python 程式碼
myColl = db.get_collection('my_collection')
# Only prepare a Collection.remove() operation, but do not run it yet
myRemove = myColl.remove('name = :param1 AND age = :param2')
# Binding parameters to the prepared function and .execute()
myRemove.bind('param1', 'Leon').bind('param2', 39).execute()
myRemove.bind('param1', 'Johannes').bind('param2', 28).execute()
# Binding works for all CRUD statements but add()
myFind = myColl.find('name like :param1 AND age > :param2')
myDocs = myFind.bind('param1', 'L%').bind('param2', 20).execute()
MyOtherDocs = myFind.bind('param1', 'J%').bind('param2', 25).execute()
Node.js JavaScript 程式碼
var myColl = db.getCollection('my_collection');
// Only prepare a Collection.remove() operation, but do not run it yet
var myRemove = myColl.remove('name = :param1 AND age = :param2');
// Binding parameters to the prepared function and .execute()
myRemove.bind('param1', 'Leon').bind('param2', 39).execute();
myRemove.bind('param1', 'Johannes').bind('param2', 28).execute();
// Binding works for all CRUD statements but add()
var myFind = myColl.find('name like :param1 AND age > :param2');
var myDocs = myFind.bind('param1', 'L%').bind('param2', 20).execute();
var MyOtherDocs = myFind.bind('param1', 'J%').bind('param2', 25).execute();
C# 程式碼
var myColl = db.GetCollection("my_collection");
// Only prepare a Collection.Remove() operation, but do not run it yet
var myRemove = myColl.Remove("name = :param1 AND age = :param2");
// Binding parameters to the prepared function and .Execute()
myRemove.Bind("param1", "Leon").Bind("param2", 39).Execute();
myRemove.Bind("param1", "Johannes").Bind("param2", 28).Execute();
// Binding works for all CRUD statements but Add()
var myFind = myColl.Find("name like :param1 AND age > :param2");
var myDocs = myFind.Bind("param1", "L%").Bind("param2", 20).Execute();
var MyOtherDocs = myFind.Bind("param1", "J%").Bind("param2", 25).Execute();
Python 程式碼
my_coll = my_schema.get_collection('my_collection')
# Only prepare a Collection.remove() operation, but do not run it yet
my_remove = my_coll.remove('name = :param1 AND age = :param2')
# Binding parameters to the prepared function and .execute()
my_remove.bind('param1', 'Leon').bind('param2', 39).execute()
my_remove.bind('param1', 'Johannes').bind('param2', 28).execute()
# Binding works for all CRUD statements but add()
my_find = my_coll.find('name like :param1 AND age > :param2')
my_docs = my_find.bind('param1', 'L%').bind('param2', 20).execute()
my_other_docs = my_find.bind('param1', 'J%').bind('param2', 25).execute()
Java 程式碼
Collection myColl = db.getCollection("my_collection");
// Create Collection.remove() operation, but do not run it yet
RemoveStatement myRemove = myColl.remove("name = :param1 AND age = :param2");
// Binding parameters to the prepared function and .execute()
myRemove.bind("param1", "Leon").bind("param2", 39).execute();
myRemove.bind("param1", "Johannes").bind("param2", 28).execute();
// Binding works for all CRUD statements but add()
FindStatement myFind = myColl.find("name LIKE :name AND age > :age");
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("name", "L%");
params.put("age", 20);
DocResult myDocs = myFind.bind(params).execute();
params.put("name", "J%");
params.put("age", 25);
DocResult myOtherDocs = myFind.bind(params).execute();
C++ 程式碼
Collection myColl = db.getCollection("my_collection");
// Create Collection.remove() operation, but do not run it yet
auto myRemove = myColl.remove("name = :param1 AND age = :param2");
// Binding parameters to the prepared function and .execute()
myRemove.bind("param1", "Leon").bind("param2", 39).execute();
myRemove.bind("param1", "Johannes").bind("param2", 28).execute();
// Binding works for all CRUD statements but Add()
auto myFind = myColl.find("name like :param1 AND age > :param2");
auto myDocs = myFind.bind("param1", "L%").bind("param2", 20).execute();
auto MyOtherDocs = myFind.bind("param1", "J%").bind("param2", 25).execute();