MySQL Shell 8.4  /  ...  /  在 InnoDB ClusterSet 中隔離叢集

8.9.1 在 InnoDB ClusterSet 中隔離叢集

緊急容錯移轉之後,且 ClusterSet 的各部分之間存在交易集不同的風險時,您必須將叢集從寫入流量或所有流量中隔離。

如果發生網路分割,則可能會出現腦裂情況,其中實例會失去同步,且無法正確通訊以定義同步狀態。當 DBA 決定強制選舉複本叢集成為主要叢集,進而建立多個主要節點時,可能會發生腦裂,導致腦裂情況。

在這種情況下,DBA 可以選擇將原始主要叢集從以下情況中隔離:

  • 寫入。

  • 所有流量。


  • <Cluster>.fenceWrites():停止將寫入流量傳送至 ClusterSet 的主要叢集。複本叢集不接受寫入,因此此操作對它們沒有影響。

    可以在 INVALIDATED 複本叢集上使用。此外,如果針對已停用 super_read_only 的複本叢集執行,則會啟用它。

  • <Cluster>.unfenceWrites():恢復寫入流量。此操作可以在先前使用 <Cluster>.fenceWrites() 操作從寫入流量中隔離的叢集上執行。

    無法在複本叢集上使用 cluster.unfenceWrites()

  • <Cluster>.fenceAllTraffic():將叢集和該叢集中的所有讀取複本與所有流量隔離。如果您使用 <Cluster>.fenceAllTraffic() 將叢集與所有流量隔離,則必須使用 dba.rebootClusterFromCompleteOutage() MySQL Shell 命令重新啟動叢集。

    如需 dba.rebootClusterFromCompleteOutage() 的詳細資訊,請參閱第 7.8.3 節,〈從重大中斷重新啟動叢集〉


在複本叢集上發出 .fenceWrites() 會傳回錯誤

ERROR: Unable to fence Cluster from write traffic: 
operation not permitted on REPLICA Clusters
Cluster.fenceWrites: The Cluster '<Cluster>' is a REPLICA Cluster 
of the ClusterSet '<ClusterSet>' (MYSQLSH 51616)

即使您主要是在屬於叢集集合的叢集上使用隔離,也可以使用 <Cluster>.fenceAllTraffic() 隔離獨立叢集。

  1. 若要將主要叢集從寫入流量中隔離,請使用 Cluster.fenceWrites 命令,如下所示:



    • 會停用叢集上的自動 super_read_only 管理。

    • 在叢集中的所有實例上啟用 super_read_only

    • 會阻止所有應用程式在叢集上執行寫入。

        The Cluster 'primary' will be fenced from write traffic
    	  * Disabling automatic super_read_only management on the Cluster...
    	  * Enabling super_read_only on ''...
    	  * Enabling super_read_only on ''...
    	  * Enabling super_read_only on ''...
    	  NOTE: Applications will now be blocked from performing writes on Cluster 'primary'. 
        Use <Cluster>.unfenceWrites() to resume writes if you are certain a split-brain is not in effect.
    	  Cluster successfully fenced from write traffic
  2. 若要檢查是否已將主要叢集從寫入流量中隔離,請使用 <Cluster>.status 命令,如下所示:



            "clusters": {
            "primary": {
            "clusterErrors": [
            "WARNING: Cluster is fenced from Write traffic. 
             Use cluster.unfenceWrites() to unfence the Cluster."
            "clusterRole": "PRIMARY",
            "globalStatus": "OK_FENCED_WRITES",
            "primary": null,
            "status": "FENCED_WRITES",
            "statusText": "Cluster is fenced from Write Traffic."
            "replica": {
            "clusterRole": "REPLICA",
            "clusterSetReplicationStatus": "OK",
            "globalStatus": "OK"
            "domainName": "primary",
            "globalPrimaryInstance": null,
            "primaryCluster": "primary",
            "status": "UNAVAILABLE",
            "statusText": "Primary Cluster is fenced from write traffic."
  3. 若要解除叢集的隔離並恢復寫入流量至主要叢集,請使用 Cluster.fenceWrites 命令,如下所示:


    會啟用主要叢集上的自動 super_read_only 管理,以及主要叢集實例上的 super_read_only 狀態。

            The Cluster 'primary' will be unfenced from write traffic
            * Enabling automatic super_read_only management on the Cluster...
            * Disabling super_read_only on the primary ''...
            Cluster successfully unfenced from write traffic
  4. 若要將叢集與所有流量隔離,請使用 Cluster.fenceAllTraffic 命令,如下所示:


    在啟用叢集中所有實例上的 offline_mode 之前,會先在叢集實例的主要實例上啟用 super_read_only 狀態。

            The Cluster 'primary' will be fenced from all traffic
            * Enabling super_read_only on the primary ''...
            * Enabling offline_mode on the primary ''...
            * Enabling offline_mode on ''...
            * Stopping Group Replication on ''...
            * Enabling offline_mode on ''...
            * Stopping Group Replication on ''...
            * Stopping Group Replication on the primary ''...
            Cluster successfully fenced from all traffic
  5. 若要將叢集從所有流量中解除隔離,請使用 dba.rebootClusterFromCompleteOutage() MySQL Shell 命令。還原叢集後,當系統詢問您是否要將實例重新加入叢集時,請選取 Y,以將實例重新加入叢集。

    cluster = dba.rebootClusterFromCompleteOutage()
    		Restoring the cluster 'primary' from complete outage...
    		The instance '' was part of the cluster configuration.
    		Would you like to rejoin it to the cluster? [y/N]: Y
    		The instance '' was part of the cluster configuration.
    		Would you like to rejoin it to the cluster? [y/N]: Y
    		* Waiting for seed instance to become ONLINE... was restored.
    		Rejoining '' to the cluster.
    		Rejoining instance '' to cluster 'primary'...
    		The instance '' was successfully rejoined to the cluster.
    		Rejoining '' to the cluster.
    		Rejoining instance '' to cluster 'primary'...
    		The instance '' was successfully rejoined to the cluster.
    		The cluster was successfully rebooted.