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MySQL Shell 9.0  /  MySQL InnoDB Cluster  /  MySQL InnoDB Cluster 唯讀複本

7.11 MySQL InnoDB Cluster 唯讀複本

MySQL Shell 唯讀複本是叢集成員的唯讀副本。非同步複寫會保持複本為最新狀態,讓您能夠擴展工作負載、將讀取請求從叢集卸載至一個或多個專用的唯讀實例,並為您的資料集提供額外的備援。如果來源發生故障,唯讀複本會自動連線到另一個叢集成員,並繼續複寫。

圖 7.3 InnoDB Cluster 唯讀複本概觀

Three MySQL servers are grouped together as a high availability Cluster. One of the servers is the read/write primary instance, and the other two are read-only secondary instances. Group Replication is used to replicate data from the primary instance to the secondary instances. A group of Read Replicas replicates from the Cluster's primary by asynchronous replication. MySQL Router connects client applications (in this example, a MySQL Connector) to the primary instance with a read-write connection and to the Read Replicas with a read-only connection.
