MySQL Shell 9.0  /  ...  /  MySQL Shell 外掛範例

10.3.3 MySQL Shell 外掛範例

範例 10.3 包含報表和擴充物件的 MySQL Shell 外掛

此範例定義一個函式 show_processes() 以顯示目前正在執行的程序,以及一個函式 kill_process() 以使用指定的 ID 終止程序。show_processes() 將會是 MySQL Shell 報表,而 kill_process() 將會是由擴充物件提供的函式。

程式碼使用 shell.register_report() 方法將 show_processes() 註冊為 MySQL Shell 報表 proc。若要將 kill_process() 註冊為 ext.process.kill(),程式碼會檢查全域物件 ext 和擴充物件 process 是否已存在,如果不存在,則建立並註冊它們。然後將 kill_process() 函式新增為 process 擴充物件的成員。

外掛程式碼會儲存為檔案 ~/.mysqlsh/plugins/ext/process/。啟動時,MySQL Shell 會走訪外掛資料夾中的資料夾,找到此 檔案,並執行程式碼。報表 proc 和函式 kill() 會註冊並可供使用。如果全域物件 ext 和擴充物件 process 尚未由另一個外掛註冊,則會建立並註冊它們,否則會使用現有的物件。

# Define a show_processes function that generates a MySQL Shell report

def show_processes(session, args, options):
  if (options.has_key('command')):
    query += " WHERE COMMAND = '%s'" % options['command']

  result = session.sql(query).execute();
  report = []
  if (result.has_data()):
    report = [result.get_column_names()]
    for row in result.fetch_all():

  return {"report": report}

# Define a kill_process function that will be exposed by the global object 'ext'

def kill_process(session, id):
  result = session.sql("KILL CONNECTION %d" % id).execute()

# Register the show_processes function as a MySQL Shell report

shell.register_report("proc", "list", show_processes, {"brief":"Lists the processes on the target server.",
                                                       "options": [{
                                                          "name": "command",
                                                          "shortcut": "c",
                                                          "brief": "Use this option to list processes over specific commands."

# Register the kill_process function as ext.process.kill()

# Check if global object 'ext' has already been registered
if 'ext' in globals():
    global_obj = ext
    # Otherwise register new global object named 'ext'
    global_obj = shell.create_extension_object()
    shell.register_global("ext", global_obj, 
        {"brief":"MySQL Shell extension plugins."})

# Add the 'process' extension object as a member of the 'ext' global object
    plugin_obj = global_obj.process
except IndexError:
    # If the 'process' extension object has not been registered yet, do it now
    plugin_obj = shell.create_extension_object()
    shell.add_extension_object_member(global_obj, "process", plugin_obj,
        {"brief": "Utility object for process operations."})

# Add the kill_process function to the 'process' extension object as member 'kill'
    shell.add_extension_object_member(plugin_obj, "kill", kill_process, {"brief": "Kills the process with the given ID.",
                                                              "parameters": [
                                                                  "brief": "The session to be used on the operation."
                                                                  "brief": "The ID of the process to be killed."
except Exception as e:
    shell.log("ERROR", "Failed to register ext.process.kill ({0}).".

在這裡,使用者使用 MySQL Shell \show 命令執行報表 proc,然後使用 ext.process.kill() 函式停止其中一個列出的程序

mysql-py> \show proc
| ID | USER            | HOST            | COMMAND | INFO                                                                             |
| 66 | root            | localhost:53998 | Query   | PLUGIN: SELECT ID, USER, HOST, COMMAND, INFO FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST |
| 67 | root            | localhost:34022 | Sleep   | NULL                                                                             |
| 4  | event_scheduler | localhost       | Daemon  | NULL                                                                             |

mysql-py> ext.process.kill(session, 67)
mysql-py> \show proc
| ID | USER            | HOST            | COMMAND | INFO                                                                             |
| 66 | root            | localhost:53998 | Query   | PLUGIN: SELECT ID, USER, HOST, COMMAND, INFO FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST |
| 4  | event_scheduler | localhost       | Daemon  | NULL                                                                             |