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範例 10.1 建立與註冊擴充物件 - Python
此範例建立一個函式 hello_world()
,可透過使用者定義的 MySQL Shell 全域物件 demo
來使用。程式碼會建立新的擴充物件,並將 hello_world()
函式以成員的形式新增至其中,然後將擴充物件註冊為 MySQL Shell 全域物件 demo
# Define a hello_world function that will be exposed by the global object 'demo'
def hello_world():
print("Hello world!")
# Create an extension object where the hello_world function will be registered
plugin_obj = shell.create_extension_object()
shell.add_extension_object_member(plugin_obj, "helloWorld", hello_world,
{"brief": "Prints 'Hello world!'", "parameters": []})
# Registering the 'demo' global object
shell.register_global("demo", plugin_obj,
{"brief": "A demo plugin that showcases MySQL Shell's plugin feature."})
請注意,成員名稱是以駝峰式大小寫在 shell.add_extension_object_member()
函式中指定。當您在 Python 模式中呼叫成員時,請使用蛇形命名法作為成員名稱,MySQL Shell 會自動處理轉換。在 JavaScript 模式中,函式會這樣呼叫
mysql-js> demo.helloWorld()
在 Python 模式中,函式會這樣呼叫
mysql-py> demo.hello_world()
範例 10.2 建立與註冊擴充物件 - JavaScript
此範例會建立一個擴充物件,其中函式 listTables()
作為成員,並將其直接註冊為 MySQL Shell 全域物件 tools
// Define a listTables function that will be exposed by the global object tools
function listTables(session, schemaName, options) {
// Create an extension object and add the listTables function to it as a member
var object = shell.createExtensionObject()
shell.addExtensionObjectMember(object, "listTables", listTables,
brief:"Retrieves the tables from a given schema.",
details: ["Retrieves the tables of the schema named schemaName.",
"If excludeCollections is true, the collection tables will not be returned"],
name: "session",
type: "object",
class: "Session",
brief: "An X Protocol session object."
name: "schemaName",
type: "string",
brief: "The name of the schema from which the table list will be pulled."
name: "options",
type: "dictionary",
brief: "Additional options that affect the function behavior.",
options: [
name: "excludeViews",
type: "bool",
brief: "If set to true, the views will not be included on the list, default is false",
name: "excludeCollections",
type: "bool",
brief: "If set to true, the collections will not be included on the list, default is false",
// Register the extension object as the global object "tools"
shell.registerGlobal("tools", object, {brief:"Global object for ExampleCom administrator tools",
"Global object to access homegrown ExampleCom administrator tools.",
"Add new tools to this global object as members with shell.addExtensionObjectMember()."]})
在 JavaScript 模式中,函式會這樣呼叫
mysql-js> tools.listTables(session, "world_x", {excludeViews: true})
在 Python 模式中,函式會這樣呼叫
mysql-py> tools.list_tables(session, "world_x", {"excludeViews": True})